7 SS08 Gravia

A quick review of the stage, detailing the overall route, the route in 1km sections, route elevation profile and route curvature profile.

7.1 Stage Route Preview

Static map, significant corners highlighted:

7.2 Segmented Route

1km route sections, aligned to read left to right; significant corners highlighted.

7.3 Speed Estimates

Estimates of speed along the route according to a very simple acceleration model.

Kilometer section speeds (kmtime is time in seconds to complete that segment; avspeed is in km/h):

kmsection section_length km_time av_speed maxspeed
1 0.99 39.23187 90.84450 144.5117
2 1.00 42.91990 83.87717 141.8750
3 1.00 46.09951 78.09194 142.8125
4 1.00 41.23639 87.30153 140.7812
5 1.00 42.35078 85.00433 143.4375
6 1.00 40.30956 89.30884 141.4062
7 1.00 33.12028 108.69473 144.0625
8 1.00 43.84875 82.10040 144.5312
9 1.00 45.64065 78.87705 142.6562
10 1.00 37.48018 96.05077 144.8047
11 1.00 64.33568 55.95651 144.7461
12 1.00 46.22186 77.88523 144.9969
13 1.00 86.94082 41.40748 138.1250
14 1.00 59.04521 60.97023 144.9998
15 1.00 35.67895 100.89982 145.0000
16 1.00 56.59842 63.60602 143.6328
17 1.00 49.06842 73.36695 143.5938
18 1.00 45.76711 78.65910 144.9990
19 1.00 40.55164 88.77570 144.8486
20 1.00 46.79870 76.92522 142.6562
21 1.00 39.08208 92.11383 144.9927
22 1.00 55.27287 65.13141 144.9414
23 1.00 29.07981 123.79722 145.0000
24 1.00 32.22194 111.72511 144.9999
25 0.30 18.07267 59.75875 145.0000

Anticipated stage time: 18m 37s

Speed profile chart: this chart shows the anticipated speed over distance into route on a per kilometer basis (the green area is flat out, the pink is the sort of slow you see at a hairpin):

7.4 Elevation and Convexity Index into Route

Elevation and significant curvature vs distance into stage:

(Note that this uses a different curvature measure to the route plots; specifically, the curvature measure used here is the convexity index.)

Elevation delta signature — order the severity of height changes over each 10m section of the stage:

Split section elevation profiles can be found in the stage km section summary table.

7.4.1 Left and Right

How does the stage vary in terms of left and right turns?

Order the severity of right and left turns over each 10m section of the stage:

Kilometer segment convexity index signatures can be found in steg stage km section summary table.

Table 7.1: Five longest straights (m)
Distance into stage (km) Straight length (m)
21.28 60
20.12 80
13.56 90
11.07 50
6.89 50

7.4.2 Sinuosity and Straightness

Sinuosity and straightness are technical measures with specific defintions. They may or may not be that useful for route analysis in their current form. The intention is to try to find ways of identifying variously “interesting” kilometer stretches.

(#tab:sinuosity_table-9)Stage segmented into 1km sections: SS08 Gravia
km sinuosity straightness route elevationPlot convexityProfile
1 0.07239899 0.4429699
2 0.09313784 0.5137584
3 0.11657954 0.1517131
4 0.08554965 0.6969090
5 0.07745256 0.6332569
6 0.07421755 0.3759213
7 0.04869850 0.9572526
8 0.09178101 0.7496455
9 0.11268660 0.8040801
10 0.09355847 0.8444509
11 0.12204927 0.6174314
12 0.08295007 0.5060882
13 0.14411171 0.4405044
14 0.09955240 0.6094361
15 0.05861473 0.7457385
16 0.09437952 0.3810505
17 0.08452832 0.2351723
18 0.09484264 0.4209688
19 0.07334316 0.7470026
20 0.07916016 0.5301957
21 0.07148828 0.7653761
22 0.08981364 0.4086322
23 0.03570566 0.9569851
24 0.04691856 0.9082943
25 0.10911315 0.6550461