A quick review of the stage, detailing the overall route, the route in 1km sections, route elevation profile and route curvature profile.

4.1 Stage Route Preview

Static map, significant corners highlighted:

4.2 Segmented Route

1km route sections, aligned to read left to right; significant corners highlighted.

4.3 Speed Estimates

Estimates of speed along the route according to a very simple acceleration model.

Kilometer section speeds (kmtime is time in seconds to complete that segment; avspeed is in km/h):

kmsection section_length km_time av_speed maxspeed
1 0.99 26.83241 132.82443 145
2 1.00 24.83844 144.93661 145
3 1.00 25.56903 140.79534 145
4 1.00 27.06603 133.00806 145
5 1.00 25.67491 140.21473 145
6 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
7 1.00 32.10161 112.14391 145
8 1.00 29.01722 124.06428 145
9 1.00 29.75019 121.00762 145
10 1.00 27.27501 131.98897 145
11 1.00 30.54955 117.84133 145
12 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
13 1.00 29.09642 123.72657 145
14 1.00 25.01163 143.93302 145
15 1.00 29.62461 121.52057 145
16 1.00 41.43835 86.87605 145
17 1.00 25.46634 141.36309 145
18 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
19 1.00 30.16029 119.36226 145
20 1.00 26.27063 137.03517 145
21 1.00 26.44187 136.14773 145
22 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
23 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
24 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
25 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
26 1.00 26.46951 136.00556 145
27 1.00 25.57123 140.78321 145
28 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
29 1.00 26.74060 134.62676 145
30 1.00 24.82759 145.00000 145
31 1.00 26.27143 137.03097 145
32 1.00 26.47202 135.99262 145
33 1.00 26.55741 135.55537 145
34 0.36 10.06842 128.71936 145

Anticipated stage time: 15m 3.8s

Speed profile chart: this chart shows the anticipated speed over distance into route on a per kilometer basis (the green area is flat out, the pink is the sort of slow you see at a hairpin):

4.4 Elevation and Convexity Index into Route

Elevation and significant curvature vs distance into stage:

(Note that this uses a different curvature measure to the route plots; specifically, the curvature measure used here is the convexity index.)

Elevation delta signature — order the severity of height changes over each 10m section of the stage:

Split section elevation profiles can be found in the stage km section summary table.

4.4.1 Left and Right

How does the stage vary in terms of left and right turns?

Order the severity of right and left turns over each 10m section of the stage:

Kilometer segment convexity index signatures can be found in steg stage km section summary table.

Table 4.1: Five longest straights (m)
Distance into stage (km) Straight length (m)
25.77 580
22.48 640
20.50 1850
4.93 540
1.22 800

4.4.2 Sinuosity and Straightness

Sinuosity and straightness are technical measures with specific defintions. They may or may not be that useful for route analysis in their current form. The intention is to try to find ways of identifying variously “interesting” kilometer stretches.

(#tab:sinuosity_table-5)Stage segmented into 1km sections: SS3-6 KEDONG STAGE 2021
km sinuosity straightness route elevationPlot convexityProfile
1 0.0927199975 0.9932650
2 0.0061182843 0.9997772
3 0.0188209010 0.9870360
4 0.0305769442 0.9705807
5 0.0267592187 0.9763905
6 0.0064770204 0.9946771
7 0.1389072616 0.9809828
8 0.0967415803 0.9857313
9 0.0449096402 0.9778735
10 0.0357335704 0.7239539
11 0.1236036100 0.8285772
12 0.1015346149 0.9769026
13 0.1040895480 0.6772904
14 0.0131558214 0.9982000
15 0.0563349275 0.8834662
16 0.1199546430 0.6822289
17 0.0362389699 0.9575451
18 0.0225242941 0.9711464
19 0.0647935584 0.7681767
20 0.1155530390 0.9318735
21 0.0226259575 0.9911194
22 0.0006321764 0.9999924
23 0.1304191575 0.7223259
24 0.0278692847 0.9723452
25 0.0928967765 0.9734318
26 0.0363144046 0.9686244
27 0.0158823234 0.9978042
28 0.0047441048 0.9995966
29 0.1217232637 0.7979135
30 0.0184371904 0.9629272
31 0.0834400602 0.8890497
32 0.1020231581 0.9423794
33 0.1319058931 0.9744173
34 0.2120380005 0.9715575