11 SS10 Monte Lerno-Monti di Alà 1

A quick review of the stage, detailing the overall route, the route in 1km sections, route elevation profile and route curvature profile.

11.1 Stage Route Preview

Static map, significant corners highlighted:

11.2 Segmented Route

1km route sections, aligned to read left to right; significant corners highlighted.

11.3 Speed Estimates

Estimates of speed along the route according to a very simple acceleration model.

Kilometer section speeds (kmtime is time in seconds to complete that segment; avspeed is in km/h):

kmsection section_length km_time av_speed maxspeed
1 0.99 31.0543795 114.76642 145.0000
2 1.00 46.7430351 77.01682 144.9998
3 1.00 31.3962583 114.66335 145.0000
4 1.00 30.1951242 119.22455 145.0000
5 1.00 32.7446800 109.94152 145.0000
6 1.00 31.4148246 114.59558 145.0000
7 1.00 27.3079309 131.82983 145.0000
8 1.00 28.7637682 125.15745 145.0000
9 1.00 26.1857523 137.47934 145.0000
10 1.00 31.4789435 114.36216 145.0000
11 1.00 27.8462762 129.28120 145.0000
12 1.00 28.1573847 127.85278 145.0000
13 1.00 26.2814634 136.97867 145.0000
14 1.00 28.1805902 127.74750 145.0000
15 1.00 30.5180393 117.96302 144.9997
16 1.00 28.8299359 124.87020 145.0000
17 1.00 29.8259198 120.70038 145.0000
18 1.00 28.4777382 126.41453 145.0000
19 1.00 29.6596512 121.37702 145.0000
20 1.00 28.5891117 125.92207 144.9915
21 1.00 33.3141878 108.06207 144.9990
22 1.00 27.4818328 130.99563 145.0000
23 0.00 0.2482759 0.00000 145.0000

Anticipated stage time: 11m 4.7s

Speed profile chart: this chart shows the anticipated speed over distance into route on a per kilometer basis (the green area is flat out, the pink is the sort of slow you see at a hairpin):

11.4 Elevation and Convexity Index into Route

Elevation and significant curvature vs distance into stage:

(Note that this uses a different curvature measure to the route plots; specifically, the curvature measure used here is the convexity index.)

Elevation delta signature — order the severity of height changes over each 10m section of the stage:

Split section elevation profiles can be found in the stage km section summary table.

11.4.1 Left and Right

How does the stage vary in terms of left and right turns?

Order the severity of right and left turns over each 10m section of the stage:

Kilometer segment convexity index signatures can be found in steg stage km section summary table.

Table 11.1: Five longest straights (m)
Distance into stage (km) Straight length (m)
21.71 100
11.69 100
5.57 110
2.22 130
1.50 90

11.4.2 Sinuosity and Straightness

Sinuosity and straightness are technical measures with specific defintions. They may or may not be that useful for route analysis in their current form. The intention is to try to find ways of identifying variously “interesting” kilometer stretches.

(#tab:sinuosity_table-11)Stage segmented into 1km sections: SS10 Monte Lerno-Monti di Alà 1
km sinuosity straightness route elevationPlot convexityProfile
1 0.04247652 0.8543048
2 0.07629046 0.3715361
3 0.04105950 0.5986192
4 0.04106338 0.7095776
5 0.04502611 0.6074430
6 0.04804805 0.9152318
7 0.03248473 0.7736307
8 0.03519966 0.6111642
9 0.02442536 0.8583513
10 0.03548253 0.7364862
11 0.03581774 0.9354892
12 0.03121244 0.8569647
13 0.02350868 0.9654620
14 0.03284667 0.6857253
15 0.03934208 0.8787441
16 0.03350186 0.8842076
17 0.03443272 0.9659676
18 0.02811769 0.9050672
19 0.04156685 0.7271002
20 0.03050804 0.9087023
21 0.05347000 0.7946263
22 0.03071018 0.8866999
23 NaN NaN