9 SS11-14 Amarante 2021

A quick review of the stage, detailing the overall route, the route in 1km sections, route elevation profile and route curvature profile.

9.1 Stage Route Preview

Static map, significant corners highlighted:

9.2 Segmented Route

1km route sections, aligned to read left to right; significant corners highlighted.

9.3 Speed Estimates

Estimates of speed along the route according to a very simple acceleration model.

Kilometer section speeds (kmtime is time in seconds to complete that segment; avspeed is in km/h):

kmsection section_length km_time av_speed maxspeed
1 0.99 30.56624 116.59923 145.0000
2 1.00 35.25584 102.11074 145.0000
3 1.00 34.43614 104.54132 145.0000
4 1.00 33.59313 107.16478 144.9960
5 1.00 36.80172 97.82151 144.9948
6 1.00 38.90728 92.52767 144.9365
7 1.00 32.68991 110.12572 144.9992
8 1.00 28.52097 126.22292 145.0000
9 1.00 30.57361 117.74862 144.9992
10 1.00 34.58935 104.07829 144.9994
11 1.00 29.42011 122.36528 145.0000
12 1.00 40.62337 88.61894 144.9954
13 1.00 49.92668 72.10573 144.7070
14 1.00 38.70936 93.00077 145.0000
15 1.00 39.32699 91.54018 144.9996
16 1.00 30.86647 116.63141 145.0000
17 1.00 37.46357 96.09335 144.9585
18 1.00 33.53931 107.33673 144.9878
19 1.00 37.09040 97.06017 144.9512
20 1.00 36.84905 97.69587 144.9985
21 1.00 46.45559 77.49336 144.9585
22 1.00 35.94464 100.15400 144.7070
23 1.00 41.12443 87.53921 144.9670
24 1.00 32.95684 109.23377 145.0000
25 1.00 35.87345 100.35276 144.9896
26 1.00 30.27197 118.92191 145.0000
27 1.00 31.98592 112.54953 145.0000
28 1.00 32.58754 110.47167 145.0000
29 1.00 29.40009 122.44862 145.0000
30 1.00 31.70403 113.55023 144.9995
31 1.00 35.18564 102.31447 144.7656
32 1.00 33.99966 105.88342 144.9792
33 1.00 34.49540 104.36175 145.0000
34 1.00 31.73330 113.44548 144.9999
35 1.00 35.77349 100.63318 144.9744
36 1.00 29.96306 120.14793 145.0000
37 1.00 50.15933 71.77129 144.9992
38 0.57 21.20437 96.77251 145.0000

Anticipated stage time: 22m 10.6s

Speed profile chart: this chart shows the anticipated speed over distance into route on a per kilometer basis (the green area is flat out, the pink is the sort of slow you see at a hairpin):

9.4 Elevation and Convexity Index into Route

Elevation and significant curvature vs distance into stage:

(Note that this uses a different curvature measure to the route plots; specifically, the curvature measure used here is the convexity index.)

Elevation delta signature — order the severity of height changes over each 10m section of the stage:

Split section elevation delta signatures:

9.4.1 Left and Right

How does the stage vary in terms of left and right turns?

Order the severity of right and left turns over each 10m section of the stage:

Kilometer segment convexity index signatures:

Table 9.1: Five longest straights (m)
Distance into stage (km) Straight length (m)
32.30 300
26.55 200
26.13 200
8.62 150
0.76 210

9.4.2 Sinuosity and Straightness

Sinuosity and straightness are technical measures with specific defintions. They may or may not be that useful for route analysis in their current form. The intention is to try to find ways of identifying variously “interesting” kilometer stretches.

(#tab:sinuosity_table-10)Stage segmented into 1km sections: SS11-14 Amarante 2021
km sinuosity straightness route
1 0.05240156 0.8163657
2 0.06990293 0.6120460
3 0.07268539 0.7246695
4 0.06587587 0.7961302
5 0.07582771 0.6494226
6 0.09177148 0.6853723
7 0.06274321 0.5564375
8 0.03792862 0.8174430
9 0.04567655 0.9334037
10 0.07133861 0.7959619
11 0.04451816 0.9264729
12 0.09340369 0.6436235
13 0.11237117 0.7111866
14 0.08469925 0.4326498
15 0.08712096 0.7239597
16 0.04628011 0.9075932
17 0.07901814 0.7701059
18 0.06077035 0.5277959
19 0.07134440 0.7578164
20 0.07794218 0.7334322
21 0.09239187 0.1707940
22 0.07080904 0.8070190
23 0.09084099 0.4222210
24 0.06898354 0.6817329
25 0.07476873 0.6592153
26 0.04807376 0.7041717
27 0.05601985 0.5101597
28 0.05604168 0.8264882
29 0.04174688 0.7223435
30 0.05557710 0.7026250
31 0.07225332 0.4346772
32 0.06842128 0.6926685
33 0.06994148 0.7647468
34 0.05448316 0.6782419
35 0.08668579 0.7722974
36 0.06135043 0.3536847
37 0.10213087 0.1788338
38 0.08367466 0.4043770