11 SS18-20 Zagorska Sela - Kumrovec

A quick review of the stage, detailing the overall route, the route in 1km sections, route elevation profile and route curvature profile.

11.1 Stage Route Preview

Static map, significant corners highlighted:

11.2 Segmented Route

1km route sections, aligned to read left to right; significant corners highlighted.

11.3 Speed Estimates

Estimates of speed along the route according to a very simple acceleration model.

Kilometer section speeds (kmtime is time in seconds to complete that kilometer; avspeed is in km/h):

kmsection km_time av_speed maxspeed
1 34.24901 105.11253 144.9992
2 31.30443 114.99971 144.8340
3 29.64525 121.43596 144.9999
4 30.59369 117.67132 144.9997
5 30.04272 119.82937 144.9658
6 28.57646 125.97781 145.0000
7 31.66695 113.68318 144.9829
8 32.39951 111.11278 144.9634
9 32.62988 110.32833 144.9365
10 32.63246 110.31961 144.9939
11 30.42102 118.33921 144.9817
12 36.38697 98.93653 144.9841
13 37.42916 96.18168 144.6289
14 10.39168 346.43103 145.0000

Anticipated stage time: 7m 8.4s

Speed profile chart: this chart shows the anticipated speed over distance into route on a per kilometer basis:

11.4 Elevation and Convexity Index into Route

Elevation and significant curvature vs distance into stage:

(Note that this uses a different curvature measure to the route plots; specifically, the curvature measure used here is the convexity index.)

Table 11.1: Stage segmented into 1km sections: SS18-20 Zagorska Sela - Kumrovec
km sinuosity straightness route
1 0.05707411 0.7375077
2 0.04834798 0.9465459
3 0.04733587 0.9394255
4 0.04916707 0.6312109
5 0.04380736 0.9697428
6 0.03661716 0.8760687
7 0.05095841 0.8957748
8 0.05630892 0.9034408
9 0.05704558 0.8225335
10 0.06289215 0.6862915
11 0.04515773 0.9318632
12 0.07687092 0.1930951
13 0.07808794 0.8328221
14 0.08956620 0.6360003