10 Interpolation Using A Route Speed Model

Based on the curvature of the route, the speed model gives us a crude estimate of how long it takes to get between two points. If the route is a flat straight between the points, we’ll travel 1km in much less time than if the route it tight and twisty.

The simple approxfun() interpolator uses a linear model to interpolate times between actual time points, but we might be able to improve interpolated estimates using a non-linear model based on a speed model generated over the route based on the route curvature.

  • identify distance into stage required (desired_d)
  • find distance into stage for each
  • get consecutive telemetry points between which desired distance lays (in_d, out_d, in_t, out_t)
> l = c(1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1,5.1)
> c(l[findInterval(3, l)], l[findInterval(3, l)+1])
[1] 2.1 3.1
> c(l[findInterval(1, l)], l[findInterval(1, l)+1])
[1] 1.1
> c(l[findInterval(11, l)], l[findInterval(11, l)+1])
[1] 5.1  NA
  • get speed model
  • get model time at points (in_mt=model(in_d), out_mt=model(out_d), desired_mt=model(desired_d))
  • get interpolated normalised model time between points, desired_nt = (desired_mt - in_mt)/(out_mt - in_mt)
  • get predicted time desired_t = desired_nt*(out_t - in_t) + in_t

10.1 Creating a Route Speed Model

In the To See The Invisible rally pacenotes tutorial series by David Nafría, corners are given a particular severity based on curvature. Simple models of expected speeds for corners of a particular severity are also described for different classes of rally car.

We can use this approach to create a simple speed model based on curvature of the rally route. Using the expected cornering speed as a target speed and a simple acceleration model, as well as theoretical maximum speed, we can accelerate the car into and out of each corner based and generate a speed model as a result.

For more on analysing and visualising rally stage routes, see Visualising WRC Rally Stages With rayshader and R.

The rLFT processing linear features R package provides a handy tool for modeling curvature along each point of a route in the form of a boundary convexity tool (bct()). The curvature of a moving segment along the route is determined, along with the center of curvature and a convexity measure.


# The step dist is how far we move the window at each step
stepdist = 10
# The window is the length of the route for which we find the curvature
window = 20
get_route_convexity = function(route_basis_utm, stepdist=10, window=20){
      # distance between measurements 
      step = stepdist,
      window = window, ridName = "name") %>%
  mutate(dist =  (lead(MidMeas)-MidMeas),
         cum_dist = cumsum(dist))

route_convexity = get_route_convexity(stage_route_utm)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.180   0.033   0.214 
## [1] "Features skipped due to size: "
## logical(0)
head(route_convexity, 3)
##   FID                   RID MidMeas WindowSize RawConvexity ConvexityIndex
## 1   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      10         20        0.000          0.000
## 2   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      20         20        0.000          0.000
## 3   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      30         20        0.788          0.079
##   Sinuosity Midpoint_X Midpoint_Y dist cum_dist
## 1     0.500   400689.0    6857086   10       10
## 2     0.500   400698.6    6857084   10       20
## 3     0.503   400708.3    6857081   10       30

Although the boundary convexity tool gives us a convexity measure, we can also create our own curvature metric that corresponds more closely to Nafría’s model. I don’t know how to write vectorised functions properly, so I’ll create a simple function that generates the curvature at a particular point on a route, and then use the Vectorize() helper function to as-if vectorise it for me.

# The curvature function takes an arc defined over
# x and y coordinate lists

#circlefit, from pracma::
circlefit = function (xp, yp, fast = TRUE) 
    if (!is.vector(xp, mode = "numeric") || !is.vector(yp, mode = "numeric")) 
        stop("Arguments 'xp' and 'yp' must be numeric vectors.")
    if (length(xp) != length(yp)) 
        stop("Vectors 'xp' and 'yp' must be of the same length.")
    if (!fast) 
        warning("Option 'fast' is deprecated and will not be used!", 
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    n <- length(xp)
    p <- qr.solve(cbind(xp, yp, 1), matrix(xp^2 + yp^2, ncol = 1))
    v <- c(p[1]/2, p[2]/2, sqrt((p[1]^2 + p[2]^2)/4 + p[3]))
    rms <- sqrt(sum((sqrt((xp - v[1])^2 + (yp - v[2])^2) - v[3])^2)/n)
    #cat("RMS error:", rms, "\n")

curvature = function(x,y){
  #729181.8, 729186.1, 729190.4
  #4957667 , 4957676, 4957685
      # circlefit gives an error if we pass a straight line
      # Also hide the print statement in circlefit
      # circlefit() returns the x and y coords of the circle center
      # as well as the radius of curvature
      # We could then also calculate the angle and arc length
    error = function(err) { 
      # For a straight, return the first co-ord and Inf diameter
      # Alternatively, pass zero diameter?
      c(x[1], y[1], Inf)[3]})

curvature2 = function(x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3){
  curvature(c(x1, x2, x3), c(y1, y2, y3))

# The base::Vectorize function provides a lazy way of 
# vectorising a non-vectorised function
curvatures_ = Vectorize(curvature2)

curvatures = function(route_convexity){

This model uses the corner centre measures calculated by the boundary convexity tool to return a radius for the curvature of each segment:

route_convexity$radius = curvatures(route_convexity)

We can now generate the cornering speed model. The corner speed model generates several things:

  • a corner index, invisble_ci, which is an integer representing the corner radius;
  • a notional segment/corner target speed, invisible_sp.
corner_speed_model = function(route_convexity,
                               invisible_speeds = c(20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 85,
                                                    100, 115, 120, 130, 170),
                               speed_modifier = 0){
  # Provide a simple means of increasing the cornering speeds
  invisible_speeds = invisible_speeds + speed_modifier
  invisible_bins = c(0, 10, 15, 20, 27.5, 35,
                    45, 60, 77.5, 100, 175, Inf)

  route_convexity$invisible_ci = cut(route_convexity$radius,
                                     breaks = invisible_bins,
                                     labels = 1:(length(invisible_bins)-1),
  # Speeds in km/h
  #invisible_speeds = c(10, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
  #                     95, 110, 120, 130, 180)
  route_convexity$invisible_sp = cut(route_convexity$radius,
                                     breaks = invisible_bins,
                                     labels = invisible_speeds,
  # Cast speed as factor, via character, to integer
  route_convexity$invisible_sp = as.integer(as.character(route_convexity$invisible_sp))

Applying the speed model to our route gives us a corner index and notional target speed for each segment:

route_convexity = route_convexity %>% corner_speed_model()

head(route_convexity, 3)
##   FID                   RID MidMeas WindowSize RawConvexity ConvexityIndex
## 1   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      10         20        0.000          0.000
## 2   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      20         20        0.000          0.000
## 3   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      30         20        0.788          0.079
##   Sinuosity Midpoint_X Midpoint_Y dist cum_dist radius invisible_ci
## 1     0.500   400689.0    6857086   10       10    Inf           11
## 2     0.500   400698.6    6857084   10       20    Inf           11
## 3     0.503   400708.3    6857081   10       30    Inf           11
##   invisible_sp
## 1          170
## 2          170
## 3          170

We can build up the speed model for the route. At each step we accelerate towards the nominal sector target speed (the invisible_sp value). We can’t accelerate infinitely fast, so our actual target accumulated speed for the segment, acc_sp, is a simple function of the current speed and the notional target speed. We can then calculate the notional time to complete that segment, invisible_time.

acceleration_model = function(route_convexity, stepdist=10,
                               acc = 0.1, dec = 0.1) {
  # Acceleration model
  sp = route_convexity$invisible_sp
  # Nominal starting target speed
  # In we don't set this, we don't get started moving
  sp[1] = 30 
  # Use crude acceleration / brake weights
  for (i in 2:(length(sp)-1)) {
    # Simple linear model - accumulated speed is based on
    # the current speed and the notional segment speed
    # Accelerate up
    if (sp[i-1]<=sp[i]) sp[i] = (sp[i-1] + acc * sp[i]) / (1+acc)
    # Decelerate down
    if (sp[i]>sp[i+1]) sp[i] = (dec * sp[i] + sp[i+1]) / (1+dec)
  route_convexity$acc_sp = sp
  route_convexity$acc_sp[length(sp)] = route_convexity$invisible_sp[length(sp)]
  # New time model
  # Also get speed in m/s for time calculation
  meters = 1000
  seconds_per_hour = 3600 # 60 * 60
  kph_unit = meters / seconds_per_hour
  route_convexity = route_convexity %>% 
                      mutate(segment_sp = route_convexity$acc_sp * kph_unit,
                             invisible_time = dist/segment_sp,
                             acc_time = cumsum(invisible_time))

  # So now we need to generate kilometer marks
  route_convexity$kmsection = 1 + trunc(route_convexity$MidMeas/1000)
  # We can use this to help find the time over each km

If we now apply the acceleration model to the route, we can calculate the speed over each segment, and the time taken to complete the segment:

route_convexity = acceleration_model(route_convexity)

head(route_convexity, 3)
##   FID                   RID MidMeas WindowSize RawConvexity ConvexityIndex
## 1   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      10         20        0.000          0.000
## 2   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      20         20        0.000          0.000
## 3   1 SS7/11 KakaristoHassi      30         20        0.788          0.079
##   Sinuosity Midpoint_X Midpoint_Y dist cum_dist radius invisible_ci
## 1     0.500   400689.0    6857086   10       10    Inf           11
## 2     0.500   400698.6    6857084   10       20    Inf           11
## 3     0.503   400708.3    6857081   10       30    Inf           11
##   invisible_sp   acc_sp segment_sp invisible_time acc_time kmsection
## 1          170 30.00000   8.333333      1.2000000 1.200000         1
## 2          170 42.72727  11.868687      0.8425532 2.042553         1
## 3          170 54.29752  15.082645      0.6630137 2.705567         1

Summing over the segment times (omitting the flying finish which has no specified ongoing segment length) gives us an estimated stage time

anticipated_time = function(route_convexity) {
  anticipated_time = sum(route_convexity$invisible_time[1:nrow(route_convexity)-1])
  cat(paste0("Anticipated stage time: ", anticipated_time %/% 60,
           'm ', round(anticipated_time %% 60, 1), 's' ))

## Anticipated stage time: 9m 11.2s

We can also view the speed model over distance into stage:

ggplot(route_convexity) + geom_line(aes(x=cum_dist, y=acc_sp))

We can also plot the time model into the stage as the accumulated time:

ggplot(route_convexity) + geom_line(aes(x=cum_dist, y=acc_time))